This week's message is titled "Let It Be". Thank you to Glynnis, Don and Ed for being involved in the video. We are very excited to be able to welcome…
Thank you to Don, Kristin and Dave for being part of the video.Scriptures from this service: Welcome - Psalm 27:4-5; 27:8; 27:11; 27:13-14; 2 Peter 3:1-2. Sermon - Galatians 5:1;…
We are pleased to be able to hold in-person gatherings again, beginning March 7 at 10:30am. Thank you to Geoff, Don and Amy for being part of this video.Scriptures from…
There was a bit of an error at the beginning of recording so the message begins quite abruptly. Here are the references from this week: Matthew 4:18-20; 16:13-15; 16:16-20; 26:69-75;…
Verses and references from this week: Hebrews 13:5; Gnosticism (Wikipedia); Acts 1:9; 2 Peter 3:8-13; Acts 2:41; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20; 3:16; Matthew 28:19; John 3:16; 1 John 2:2; 1 Corinthians…
Verses and references from this week's message: Cinderella (Wikipedia); Robert Fulghum (Wikipedia); All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten (Amazon); Deuteronomy 31:6; John 13:14; Philippians 2:1-4; "Lawnchair"…
Scriptures from this week: Ephesians 3:20-21; 1:10; Colossians 1:20; Isaiah 65:17; 66:22; 2 Peter 3:10; 3:13; Acts 3:19-21; Romans 8:11; Galatians 5:22-23; Romans 8:23; Matthew 19:28; Revelation 21:13; Ephesians 3:20-21;…
Scriptures from this week: Luke 2:8; 2:9-10; 2:11-14; 2:15-20; 2:21; 2:25-26; 2:27-28; 2:29-35; 2:36-38; 2 Peter 3:8-13
Verses and references from this week's message: 1 Corinthians 13:11; Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (Wikipedia); [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs © User:FireflySixtySeven / Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY-SA-4.0[/caption]…
Safety - Deuteronomy 31:6; Hebrews 13:5; John 16:28; Psalm 39; Acts 17:26; John 16:29-33. Gratitude - Ephesians 1:3-14. Bounty - 2 Peter 1:3-7