Good Friday

April 16, 2023
Thank you to Dave, Mike, Dianne, and Don for being part of the video. Scriptures from this service: Welcome: James 5:5-13. Communion: Matthew 16:21; Luke 24:7, Matthew 26:14-15; Mark 14:24;…

Angels Everywhere

March 5, 2023
Thank you to Glynnis, Don, Rhonda, and Janet for being involved in the video. Scriptures from this service: Communion - Genesis 11:1-9 (AMPC). Reading - Hebrews 1:5-14 (NIV). Sermon -…
Thank you to Dave, Amy, Dianne, Ed, and Paul for being part of the video. Communion video: God's People - Rahab: Scriptures from this service: Welcome - Psalm 63:1-5.…
Thank you to Paul, Mike, Janet, and Don for being part of the video. Songs & videos from this service: Faithful - Zoe Group - -- Because He Lives…
Thank you to Ed, Jon, Dianne, and Don for being part of the video. It is also available on YouTube: Songs from this service: King of Kings -…